Bitch + The Exciting Conclusion
B+TEC on a dark stage
Bitch and The Exciting Conclusion, or B+TEC for short, (say ‘be tech’) is a three piece band that combines electric violin, ukulele, bass drums and keyboards. Fronted by Bitch, whom you may know from her former band Bitch and Animal (Righteous Babe Records), or John Cameron Mitchell's movie, Shortbus, and beautifully backed by Gabriel Kubitz and Lee Free (circus amok). The three met in Alaska where Bitch went to look for clues into her mysterious past, and finally met her cousins, defectors from NYC, who were working on a fishing boat and playing in nightclubs and circuses in between sails.

Their shows combine a harsh, stripped down art-rock sound mixed with tender ballads and the personalities of larger-than-life Bitch, with Gabriel's minimalist bass lines and vocal harmonies and the fiery drumming of Lee Free, who mixes electronic sounds into a huge acoustic drum set. On stage, their joy is obvious.

The Exciting conclusion is a tale their famous activist Grandmother would tell them of a time in the future when all activist’s work was done, when all sentient beings on the planet were allowed to live safe and free. That moment is the The Exciting Conclusion. Her husband, the trio’s Grandfather, took the legend further, incorporating it into his own work, and made a famed Alaskan circus trick that would inevitably bring the audience to its feet.